Monday, January 7, 2008


I don't think companies advertise too much. I mean people have to get their product out there for people to see. If you do not want to see the advertisements change the channel or just do not look at them when you see them on a billboard or a bus or in the news paper. Wouldn't you advertise your business as much as possible. I have never felt overwhelmed by advertisements, and i don't see how any one would. If you were a business owner you would do the same thing if you wanted a successful business, i know i would. A lot of people think that advertisements are sometimes inappropriate for the viewers, but i think that if you are advertising a product that is meant or adults it is okay to show things that are okay for an adult to see. Putting these advertisements in places where children would see them is not okay however, such as children's television stations, or parks where children might play.

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