I don't think weed should be legal. I do think that it would raise the crime rate. I don't totally agree that it will increase the use of white drugs in some cases this is true but not all. I mean I know people who have smoked weed all of there life and never even tried other drugs, but hose people also act like children and are not mentally mature like they should be. And being mentally immature will definitely create a problem in the community. After a few years of almost everybody smoking pot we will basically have a bunch of kids running our city. That cannot be good at all. Besides when people smoke large amounts of weed they become unmotivated. So pretty much everyone would most likely not have jobs and increase crime and make things harder for those people who do work hard for what they have. Now it might not happen with every one but most people who smoke all the time loose all motivation and after a while they will not want to do much of anything but smoke weed. I have had many people in my family who struggled with drug problems and smoked weed for many many years. They are not very successful in life. My real dad smoked for many years and I'm pretty sure he still does and being mentally immature and trying to raise a child and not only one but two kids, that just doesn't work. Him being so immature made him do allot of stupid stuff, which made things bad for me, my mom and my sister. In my opinion if my dad would have never smoked weed he never would have tried all of the other drugs and he would have been mentally where he was supposed to and things would be very different. I think if more people smoked weed there would be more cases like mine. And I am sure if it was legal more people would smoke it.
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